Valentina Fradegrada posta un filmato completamente nuda davanti allo specchio

Valentina Fradegrada si mostra completamente nuda davanti allo specchio e posta il filmato sul proprio profilo Instagram

Valentina Fradegrada posta un filmato completamente nuda davanti allo specchio

"Forse cancellerò questo post nelle prossime ventiquattro ore". Con questo messaggio pubblicato su Instagram Valentina Fradegrada avvisa i fan: il video che la ritrae completamente nuda davanti allo specchio della sua camera di Los Angeles potrebbe essere rimosso.

Valentina Fradegrada: filmato hot su Instagram

Un video di pochi secondi, molto sensuale e per nulla volgare. I fan sono andati in visibilio e il post è stato travolto dai commenti e dagli apprezzamenti dei follower. Con le sue foto la bella Valentina Fradegrada ha conquistato tutti, diventando una delle influencer più cliccate e apprezzate sui social network.

"Sei bellissima" le scrivono i maschietti, altri utenti invece le chiedono di non cancellare il post per nessun motivo al mondo.

Chissà che non ci pensi Instagram, visto e considerato il clima bollente sollevato dalla stessa Fradegrada con il suo filmato. Tra i commenti anche i complimenti del pubblico femminile o forse di qualche amica influencer: "Orgogliosa di te", le scrivono.
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Sometimes I feel that I'm compressed in a body that’s not mine, a body that works just like a casing for some kind of energy that was sent to this world, my energy. I’m modeling since I was a little girl, and it wasn't always easy. I had my share of problems, most of them were about self-confidence, and how to reach my goals. I know what’re you thinking… Yes, I use my body and my image for my work, but trust me, it’s not easy at all. The key of it all is personality, but this is another story. I'm very thankful to myself because I had the strength to avoid food problems and I started to see my body as the mean to reach my freedom. Day by day I started feeling more confident about this “outside shell" that we can call "body", but this was possibile just thanks to a constant hard work: healthy life, training and being focused all the time. I achieved my idea of perfection just two months ago, after a long year full of fights, mistakes and therapy. I changed my idea of routine, 'till I found the good one for me. Now I wake up at 6/8 a.m, I always eat healthy and keep on training 3 days a week, physically and mentally. I understood that beauty is like intelligence, it must be trained and maintained. To keep my mind strong I do a lot of meditation, I started to write all my thoughts, and most importantly, I take my time to think. Sometimes I can’t believe this is my work. I can see new places, meet new cultures, hear new languages and have incredible adventures. I can learn so much thanks to other people, and I love it. I believe in the every day lesson, and I can learn traveling. I stopped to feel guilty about this. I wish all women could be comfortable with themselves. I wish all women could become much more united. Maybe I'll delete this post in 24h. V

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